it's hard to connect
when i can't seem
to meet
your eyes
for some reason
my gaze darts
chin to temple
brow to cheek
a timid rainbow fish
but not quite ready to venture
far beyond the arms
of her watchful water lily
i tell myself that all i want
is a real
human experience
the kind that wakes you up
with crust in your eyes
and a feeling you reach for
but can't quite grasp
yet the intensity
of your golden stare
makes me shudder
like Calico sand
poured down my back
during sticky summers
on the Jersey coastline
what is it i fear?
that you might
see right through
onto the next blue, green hue
with a new story
shorter chapters
happy endings
that's not it
that's never it
i fear
that you'll see
the same depth
the same grace
the same stillness
that i feel
when my gaze meets your stare
green to golden
golden to green
energy frequencies
passing between planets
as the stars look on